Jojoba & Argan Oils...Why So Special??

Jojoba & Argan Oils...Why So Special??

There is always a lot of talk about the best ingredients for your skin, particularly the face and some of the most accredited are
Jojoba Oil and Argan Oil.

Argan oil helps heal damaged skin and is said to protect from the signs of aging as it corrects the effects of dehydration and loss of elasticity. The high amount of tocopherols (vitamin E), which are potent antioxidants, helps the skin to combat free radicals. Free radicals ultimately result in the destruction of the skin’s cells, so by using Argan oil, skin becomes noticeably softer and smoother, diminishing fine lines and improving the appearance of scars. It also helps even skin tone, and adds a healthy glow.

Jojoba Oil is an emollient moisture regulator rich in vitamin E with a texture almost identical to our own natural sebum and penetrates the skin to moisturize without blocking the pores. Excellent for soothing the skin during and after shaving. Has a calming effect softening rough, dry irritated and inflamed skin. Its natural antioxidant properties extend the shelf life of other oils.

The Repair Luxury Treatment contains both of these oils and is a little miracle in a bottle... add 2 -3 drops to your skin and gently massage in. Use at night and in the morning your skin has been drenched with luxurious oils that replenish ready for the new day. Boosted with essential oils of Rose, Neroli & Ylang Ylang it is a must have for your skincare regime.

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